- The olives were exclusively hand-picked. To debitter them, they were filled in jute bags with coarse-grained salt in a ratio of 1:1 and hung up in a dark, cool place for several weeks. The sack was moved once a day and the olives and salt were remixed. After debittering was complete, the salt was removed, the olives rinsed several times with water, and then air dried.
- During the process of debittering with the coarse-grained salt, the olives also lost a lot of water – the weight of the pulp has reduced by approx. 54% – so 50 g of these olives correspond to a fresh weight of approx. 92 g.
Initially, we offered the olives dry, chilled in screw-top jars. For a longer shelf life and better product protection, the olives are now covered with sunflower oil in screw-top jars.